Tess Electrical Launches New Alarm Monitoring System – Rhodium

Tess Electrical has introduced various upgrades and improvements to it’s current Alarm Monitoring System (AMS) FT NavVision, and will be launching it’s new proprietary product, Rhodium, at the upcoming Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. Rhodium will still incorporate all of the top of the line features of FT NavVision, as well as various improvements to monitoring capabilities, reporting capabilities, and overall efficiency.

What Is An Alarm Monitoring System
An alarm monitoring system, or AMS, monitors the various equipment and electronic components that keep a yacht or marine vessel safe and operational. Some of the primary systems that Rhodium will monitor would be the various pumps, HVAC, generators, engines, and power management systems. In a situation where one or more of these systems fails or has any sort of issue that could create a safety or operational issue, Rhodium will create alerts via various alarms and notification systems.

In addition, our AMS will also monitor various valves, tanks, and electrical components to ensure that all of the smaller components on your boat are operating safely and efficiently and so that you won’t find yourself in a situation where small issues compound into much larger ones.

Improving Onboard Safety With Rhodium AMS
Rhodium AMS will also go a long way in improving the general safety aboard your yacht or marine vessel. By monitoring the bilge water level, smoke and vapor detection, and various power systems, your crew will be able to immediately detect any issues that could create dangerous situations aboard your vessel, whether at the dock or on the water. The system also allows for full inspection and configuration at runtime, allowing for your crew to run full system audits/inspections as needed.

Automations & Redundancies For Enhanced Efficiencies
Rhodium can also be automated to perform specific actions when certain conditions are met or certain events occur. Rhodium also has several redundancies in place as well as multiple servers being utilized, so the AMS can find the fastest work around in the case of a network defect. Tess also rigorously tests each system that is implemented for all eventualities prior to installation, ensuring that there are effective and working alarms in place for every possible situation that may arise.

To learn more about our new Rhodium Alarm Monitoring System, feel free to visit us at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show or contact our experienced Sales & Service team for more information.